Mamluk Studies Resources

The Middle East Documentation Center at The University of Chicago

Papers presented at the
Fourth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies
American University of Beirut,
May 11-13, 2017


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Thursday, May 11

Welcome Address

  • John Meloy, conference organizer and host (

    Time, part 1

    Chair: Syrinx von Hees (Münster University)


    Time, part 2

    Chair: Carl Petry (Northwestern University)


    New Perspectives on Late Medieval Arabic Historiography: History, Order, and Truth in/of the Cairo Sultanate

    Chair: Konrad Hirschler (Freie Universität Berlin)


    Declining or Rejuvenate? Some Glimpses of Reassessment on Late Mamluk Metalwork

    Chair: Carine Juvin (Louvre Museum)


    Friday, May 12

    Documents and Archives in the Mamlūk Period

    Chair: Jonathan Berkey (Davidson College)


    Negotiating and Performing Communal Identities: New Texts on Christian and Muslim Clerical Élites in Relation to the Mamluk State

    Chair: Jo Van Steenbergen (Ghent University)


    The Uncovering of Mamluk Beirut

    Chair: Karen Moukheiber (University of Balamand)


    Women in Mamluk and Early Ottoman Documentary Sources

    Chair: Daisuke Igarashi (Waseda University)


    Saturday, May 13

    Ibn Taymiyya’s Impact on Mamlūk Religion and Society

    Chair: Caterina Bori (University of Bologna)


    Aṣ-Ṣafadī as Critic and Commentator

    Chair: Matthew Keegan (New York University)

    The Oral and the Written: Cultures of Transmission across the ʿulūm

    Chair: Anthony T. Quickel (Marburg University)


    Medicine in Mamluk Times: From Professionals to Daily Life

    Chair: Thomas Thiemann (Münster University)

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