Mamluk Studies Resources

The Middle East Documentation Center at The University of Chicago

Eleventh Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies
Queen Mary University of London
May 8-10, 2025


SMS 2025

The conference will consist of a themed day (May 8) follwed by two days of panels (May 9-10). It will be preceded by a three-day (May 5-7) intensive course for up to 12 post-graduates and early career scholars on historical reading of Islamic legal sources, including fatwas, legal manuals, formularies and documents.


A call for papers, instructions for submitting proposals, further information about the intensive course, and other details will come soon.



We look forward to seeing you in London!

Yosef Rapaport, Queens University of London (local organizer)
Frédéric Bauden, Université de Liège
Antonella Ghersetti, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice
Marlis Saleh, University of Chicago

© Middle East Documentation Center. The SMS logo is based on the lion emblem used by Sultan Baybars.