Mamlūk Studies Review

The Middle East Documentation Center at The University of Chicago

Submission and Style Guide

Detailed submission information and a style guide for authors may be downloaded here: Mamluk Studies Review Editorial and Style Guide.

A few important points:

MSR is an Open Access journal. All content in MSR is the copyrighted intellectual property of its author(s) and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY) International license. See the Open Access page for more information, including the agreement between MSR and its authors.

Any work submitted for publication in MSR must be original and contain no plagiarism, falsification, or other research misconduct. It must not have been previously published in another publication.

Articles submitted for publication are read by members of the editorial board and given to outside readers with relevant expertise to assess the value of the work. During this review process, the author’s name is removed from the article.

MSR does not charge any Article Processing Fees (APC) or submission charges.

Authors should use a Unicode font that can handle the diacritics and special characters needed for transliteration. Many good fonts exist. For font recommendations, more information about Unicode fonts, and downloadable keyboard layouts that allow easy use of diacritics and special characters (Mac and PC), please see the Unicode for Transliteration page.

As of 2022, all articles submitted must include an abstract. A list of keywords is optional.

Authors of articles that contain graphics of any kind (photographs, maps, plans, charts, etc.) should read the Illustrations section of the Style Guide carefully and contact the editor with questions well in advance.

All illustrations, maps, photographs, or other materials that accompany an article must be either the intellectual property of the author (i.e., created by or on behalf of the author), used with the written permission of the copyright owner (i.e., the photographer, illustrator, author, or publisher of the work from which the material was taken), or in the public domain (i.e., not under any copyright). Items which cannot be shown to meet such criteria may not be published. When requesting permission from copyright holders to use their materials, please communicate clearly that the item(s) will be published under the CC-BY license in an Open Access publication.

Transliterated Arabic in MSR follows the Library of Congress conventions. Authors are expected to submit articles that conform to that system. The Style Guide covers this in more detail, and the basics are shown on a page at the end of every volume of MSR. For a full explanation of the Library of Congress rules for transliterion of Arabic, see

Please make sure to compose footnotes that adhere to the format used in MSR. Numerous explanations and examples are provided in the Style Guide.


Mamlūk Studies Review is an Open Access journal. All content is copyrighted under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license. See the Open Access page for more information.


© Middle East Documentation Center


